news and press Press releases Shareholders approve business combination of a.s.r. and Aegon Nederland 
PressUtrecht17 January 2023 17:30 EU/Amsterdam

Shareholders approve business combination of a.s.r. and Aegon Nederland

At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGM) held today, a.s.r.’s shareholders approved the acquisition by a.s.r. of the shares of Aegon Nederland N.V. and thereby the combination of the two businesses. The Supervisory Board also shared  its intention to extend Jos Baeten’s appointment as CEO of a.s.r.  and the EGM approved the appointment of Daniëlle Jansen Heijtmajer and Lard Friese as members of the Supervisory Board of a.s.r. 

With the conditional re-appointment of Jos Baeten as from the closing of the transaction until the General Meeting of Shareholders in 2026, the Executive Board continues to consist of three members: 

  • Jos Baeten (chairman)
  • Ewout Hollegien (CFO)
  • Ingrid de Swart (COO/CTO)

In addition, shareholders approved the conditional appointment of Daniëlle Jansen Heijtmajer  and Lard Friese as members of the Supervisory Board (SB) of ASR Nederland N.V. (a.s.r.). During the EGM, shareholders had the opportunity to meet Daniëlle Jansen Heijtmajer and Lard Friese and to ask questions. The appointment takes effect from the closing of the transaction and is for a period of four years. This will expand the SB from five to seven members from the closing.

The intention to combine Aegon Nederland with a.s.r., as announced on 27 October, was approved by the EGM with 99.9% of votes cast. This will allow the next step towards the insurers’ business combination, scheduled for July 2023. The transaction is further subject to approval of the Dutch Central Bank, the European Central Bank and the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets. a.s.r. and Aegon are working closely together to comply with the conditions for the completion of the transaction.

At the EGM, a total of 74,98% of the total issued, voting share capital was present or represented. The results of the vote were announced on our website


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