news and press News Social partners financial sector to collaborate in increasingly flexible job market
NewsUtrecht10 December 2019 09:00 EU/Amsterdam

Social partners financial sector to collaborate in increasingly flexible job market

Five financial institutions and 3 trade organisations are going to collaborate to realise one job market for all working people. Achmea, a.s.r., ING, Nationale-Nederlanden, VGZ and the trade organisations De Unie, FNV Finance and CNV Vakmensen are signing ‘the work code’ (de werkcode) on Tuesday 10 December 2019. The work code consists of 5 principles for organising work. It is the first time that such a large number of social partners in a single sector are making arrangements of this order.

The eight parties will be giving an answer to the job market becoming increasingly flexible.
The work code offers five principles for realising one single job market for all working people, i.e. people with a permanent employment contract and people without a permanent employment contract.
The purpose of the code is to realise one job market for all working people, with shared views on good employment practices and good commissioning practices. The principles will serve as guidance in making arrangements in the CBA and with suppliers of labour in the next three years.

The principles of the work code are:
1.Working with us means increasing your job market value
2.Good employment practices also means good commissioning practices
3.We reward, value and treat working people performing the same work equally
4.Working people have access to facilities for disability and pension
5.We organise work in long-lasting labour relationships

Jolanda Sappelli, Director of Human Resources at a.s.r.: ‘a.s.r. desperately needs a flexible workforce to achieve its objectives. Therefore, we consider it obvious that external staff are given the same treatment as permanent staff. This can also be found in the principles of our CLA which says that the content applies to all types or working relationships within a.s.r.’

With the code, the social partners will start a new work movement. The ambition is also to set an example to other companies and sectors. How precisely the work code can be implemented in practice, will be the subject of the working conference on flexibilisation in the financial sector that will be held on Tuesday 10 December. During the conference, the eight parties will sign the work code. The white paper ‘Werk in beweging’ has been prepared to provide input to the talks at this conference. It contains a large amount of recent publications, studies as well as interviews with those involved.

Human Resources