news and press News a.s.r. 'flips the switch' and donates proceeds energy savings
News Utrecht 02 May 2022 09:00 EU/Amsterdam

a.s.r. 'flips the switch' and donates proceeds energy savings

The Dutch government has launched a campaign asking citizens and businesses to turn down their central warming to save energy amid spiraling energy costs. a.s.r. has decided to respond to this call and to 'flip the switch', which is in line with the profile of a.s.r. as a sustainable insurer. From the end of April, the thermal energy storage system in the head office of a.s.r. is adjusted to its most energy saving settings.

On 2 April, Dutch Climate Minister Jetten launched a national public campaign under the name ‘Zet de knop om’ (Flip the Swith), with the aim of saving energy. One of the tips promoted in this campaign is to lower the thermostat to 19 degrees.

a.s.r. responds to this call by adjusting its own energy system. The office in Utrecht functions on a state of the art thermal energy storage system. The climate in the building is controlled from heat and cold sources located deep underground around the office building. The installation is now being adapted in such a way that less heating is done in cold weather conditions, and less cooling is done in warm weather conditions. This results in energy savings in both cases.

€8,000 savings
By adjusting the climate in the building a.s.r. is expected to save 50,000 kWh, and thus €8,000, by the end of this year. a.s.r. will donate this saved amount to a good cause: Trees for All.

In addition to adjusting the climate system, a.s.r. does many things to save energy. For example, the office on the Archimedeslaan uses green electricity only, which is partly generated ourselves, and the energy consumption already complies with the agreements in the Paris Agreement.

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