a.s.r. wants to make a social impact in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship in the financial sector. With our products and services, we aim to contribute to solving issues society is facing and which are related to our core business, such as insurance and asset management. In doing so, we focus on themes that impact on our business and on which we in turn can make the greatest social impact.
a.s.r. and Aegon Netherlands will continue together as one company. This brings together two leading Dutch insurers, each of which has its own approach to sustainability. In the coming period we will look at how we can combine these methods and the underlying policy in a responsible manner to set up an ambitious sustainability strategy. To do this, we will first map out the similarities and differences in terms of sustainability between the two companies. It remains the ambition of a.s.r. to belong to the European leading group of sustainable insurers.
Climate change and biodiversity loss pose major risks to our customers, our business operataions and society at large. We therefore want to reduce our foutprint and invest in activities that support the energy transition and restore biodiversity and ecosystems. We help customers with our insurance products and with information to reduce climate risks and to live more sustainably, for example with the sustainability mortgage and sustainabe damage repair. For our own business operations too, we are working on minimasing the negative environmental impact of our offices, transport and procurement.
There is an increasing focus on health and vitality, prompted in part by developments in society. We are getting older, healthcare costs are rising and the labour market is changing rapudly. This leads to challenges in the areas of work, well-being and health. a.s.r. focuses on preventing illness, absenteeism and disability and is committed to allowing people to work longer and healthier, in order to continue contributing to society. This also applies to our own employees where a.s.r. creates opportunities so that employees can develop themselves in order to increase their chances on the labour market, both within and outside a.s.r.
a.s.r. believes it is important that people are able to take responsible risks and make conscious financial choices. This is not self-evident for everyone: in the Netherlands in 2023, half of households are financially unhealthy or vulnerable. a.s.r. helps people to increase their financial independence and does this with accessible and understandable products and services. a.s.r. is an insurer for all people who live and/or work in the Netherlands and has an eye for the interests of vulnerable target groups. Within a.s.r. we also strive for an inclusive culture, in which differences are recognized, valued and utilized. Different perspectives, backgrounds, knowledge and experiences contribute to the realization of a.s.r.'s objectives and are used positively and deployed in innovative, sustainable solutions for our customers.
As an organization we have an impact on society and can therefore also have an impact on human rights. Respecting and protecting human rights is the starting point for realizing our sustainability ambitions. We want to make a positive contribution to society by respecting and protecting human rights and by identifying and preventing (potential) risks. In the human rights policy we explain how we respect the protection of human rights in our various roles as investor, provider of insurance products and services, purchaser and employer. In 2023, a risk analysis is carried out of potential human rights risks in the chain for a.s.r. and its stakeholders.
If you have concerns about human rights violations caused by the activities of a.s.r. or any of its business relations, you can contact the Human Rights Reporting Center.
Send an email to
Please state clearly in your email what your concern is about. This may regard, for example, equal treatment/non-discrimination, the right to a healthy and safe working environment, rights of local communities, customers or of the employees of companies in which investments are made and/or of (their) business relations.
Your email will be processed by Compliance. You will receive a confirmation of receipt within 7 days of receipt of the report. If the report can be better processed via another counter, we will forward the report and inform you about this.
For a complete overview of human rights issues see the UN Global Compact – UN Global Compact – Business and Human Rights navigator
See underneath an overview of our policy documents, which provide a detailed elaboration of the sustainability framework of a.s.r., the commitments and partnerships and how our policies and procedures are regularly assessed by external benchmark and rating organizations.
1Research by Deloitte, Leiden University and Nibud, March 2023
Doenkracht of a.s.r. finances projects in the field of financial education and training programs; programs from partners that help their participants with impending debts to prevent worse, sometimes in combination with the expertise of our employees.
a.s.r. is committed to conserving cultural and social heritage and is involved in a number of nation-wide and local foundations. The local ties mostly stem from the past presence of an a.s.r. division in a city of town.