Sustainable employer

Having a talented, qualified and vital workforce is key for a.s.r. in achieving its business objectives. a.s.r. is committed to attracting, retaining and inspiring the most suitable employees, by offering ample training and development opportunities and facilitating a sound work/life balance.
a.s.r. aspires to be a sustainable employer by:
  • recruiting, developing and retaining the best employees;
  • creating an environment of objective and transparent management, allowing responsibility to be given and taken;
  • ensuring a focus on trust, enabling commitment and performance to go hand in hand;
  • investing in mental resilience and sustainable employability.
Sustainable employability
Sustainable employability involves enabling employees to participate in the labour market as best as possible, as long as possible and as vital as possible. Human Resources contributes to this by creating opportunities on the labour market, both within and outside a.s.r.
All a.s.r. employees can rely on assistance in the filed of sustainable employability and benefit from guidance from carreer coaches and an extensive range of workshops and courses. An important prerequisite for guidance is for employees to be willing to take control of their own future.
Diversity and inclusivity
a.s.r. is committed to an inclusive culture. Not only is employee competence essential to a.s.r.'s succes, but also their differentiation from each other. Different views, cultures, knowledge and experiences contribute to realizing a.s.r.’s objectives. All are positively used and deployed in innovative solutions for our customers.
a.s.r. uses the following definition of diversity: a balanced composition of the workforce, based on age, gender, cultural or social origin, competencies, views and working styles.


De Andere Cao (The Other Collective Bargaining Agreement)

The Other CBA is new and contemporary, it reflects changes in the labour market and the changing needs of employees, whilst paying a lot of attention to sustainable employability, the work-life balance and vitality. The Other CBA is easy to understand, strives for fewer rules, is future-proof and forms a foundation for everyone who works or wants to work at a.s.r.
The principles of The Other CBA are:

  • Is recognisable for everyone and forms the basis for all types of workers within a.s.r.
  • Encourages a mature working relationship
  • Encourages the employee’s autonomy
  • Increases the labour market value of employees
  • Offers freedom of choice as an option, not as an obligation
  • Is based on trust (not monitoring)
  • Contributes to a sustainable and future-proof a.s.r.
  • Respects solidarity with and between employees