news and press News The a.s.r. Vitality health programme is available to all pension, healthcare and income protection customers of a.s.r. and Loyalis
News Utrecht 15 April 2024 09:00 EU/Amsterdam

The a.s.r. Vitality health programme is available to all pension, healthcare and income protection customers of a.s.r. and Loyalis

a.s.r. Vitality will be available from 1 January 2025 to all customers with healthcare, income protection or pension insurance of a.s.r. or Loyalis, without paying a separate contribution for this. In this way, a.s.r. hopes to lower the threshold to participate in the programme.

a.s.r. launched a.s.r. Vitality four years ago. to give more people an idea of their health status and encourage them to do more exercise. By now, 90,000 people are making use of the programme. The past years have shown that the costs of the programme are higher than previously estimated. Because a.s.r. would like to keep the programme widely accessible, it has decided to make a number of adjustments. For example, the current weekly, monthly and annual rewards will be replaced by a new package of rewards. In addition, a number of adjustments are being made to the programme to motivate more policyholders to meet their vitality targets. 

Mariëlle Duin, manager of a.s.r. Vitality: ‘We see that a.s.r. Vitality is used with great enthusiasm, also by customers who already exercise a lot. As vitality and employability are important social issues, we want to be able to use the programme more broadly. At the same time, the costs of the programme are now much higher than previously estimated. We have therefore looked at alternative ways in which to offer a.s.r. Vitality. Our survey shows that people find the programme an attractive and accessible way to work on their health. By not charging the separate fee, we expect even more customers to start using the programme and feel encouraged to do more exercise.’

Existing customers will receive information about the changes in mid-April. For instance, they can still recoup their already purchased smartwatch in the coming period.

Pensions Health Care