news and press News a.s.r. handed over whitepaper on financial aid cooperation during Geldfit conference
News Utrecht 07 November 2023 08:25 EU/Amsterdam

a.s.r. handed over whitepaper on financial aid cooperation during Geldfit conference

Thursday, 2 November, at Geldfit’s conference a.s.r. presented Geldfit with the whitepaper 'Research on cooperation between financial aid providers'. Research was conducted on the social programs that Aegon Nederland (part of a.s.r. since July 2023) has implemented over the past seven years. These programs focused on promoting financial literacy and debt relief. Key findings and recommendations from these programs are included in the white paper. The results showed positive change among community partners and participants. Little improvement was observed in the area of cooperation with-and referral to-formal debt assistance; this was one of the topics on the program during the conference.

Businesses, municipalities and local organisations entered into a discussion on Thursday during the Geldfit Local conference about ways to help people with financial problems more quickly and effectively. During the conference, Marjolein Breed, program manager Stap Vooruit at a.s.r., handed over the white paper “Research into cooperation with financial aid providers” to Martin Suithoff, director at Geldfit. This paper contains the main findings and recommendations of two former CSR programs from Aegon Nederland: Van Schulden Naar Kansen, “From Debt to Opportunity” (2016 to 2021) and Stap Vooruit, “Step Ahead” (2021-2023). 

Marjolein Breed: ‘We want to help people with financial problems quickly and effectively. Cooperation between financial aid providers is therefore very essential. I ask Geldfit to bring the research and recommendations to the attention of relevant parties, so that we can strengthen the collaborations even more.’

The Van Schulden Naar Kansen and Stap Vooruit programs were set up to help people with financial problems address debt and improve their financial situation. In these programs, Aegon Nederland, among others, worked with various civil society organisations (the partner projects) that work on behalf of people with (imminent) debts in cities based in The Hague, Groningen and Leeuwarden to make a greater impact. The results of the programs showed positive change among community partners and participants.