During the Capital Markets Day on 27 June 2024, a.s.r. announced the intention to return capital via share buybacks in the period 2024 – 2026 for an amount of € 525 million.
The share buyback intention is to be announced on an annual basis at FY results:
2024: € 125 million
2025: € 175 million
2026: € 225 million
A share buyback will be executed if the Solvency II ratio is at least 175% with sufficient OCC to fund capital distributions, no alternative deployment of capital delivering superior returns, and to be decided annually upon discretion by the Management Board.
Download the repurchase transaction Excel file for detailed information.
On 7 November 2024, ASR Nederland N.V. (a.s.r.) announced a share buyback program of €100 million in own shares following the successful completion of the sale of Knab to BAWAG. The buyback program was completed on December 11, 2024.
In total there are 2.213.413 shares of a.s.r. repurchased at an average price of €45.18 per share. An independent broker, appointed by a.s.r., carried out the repurchase.
The repurchase of own shares falls within the scope of the authorisation granted to the Board of Directors by the General Meeting of Shareholders of a.s.r. on 29 May 2024. a.s.r. will seek approval from the General Meeting of Shareholders on 21 May 2025 to cancel the repurchased shares.
Download the repurchase transaction Excel file for detailed information.
On 22 January 2024, ASR Nederland N.V. (a.s.r.) announced its share buyback programme for the amount of 300,000 shares. The repurchase was completed on February 7, 2024. Read the press release for more information.
Download the repurchase transation Excel file for detailed transaction information.
On 18 January 2023, ASR Nederland N.V. (a.s.r.) announced a share buyback programme for the amount of € 10 million. The repurchase was completed on 31 January 2023. Read more in the press release.
a.s.r. reports on the progress of the repuchase programme on this website, in accordance with the European Market Abuse Regulation (MAR, No. 596/2014/EU). Download the repurchase transaction Excel file for detailed transaction information.
On 23 February 2022, ASR Nederland N.V. (a.s.r.) announced a share buyback programme for the amount of € 75 million.
The repurchase period of own shares started on 24 February 2022 and was completed on 24 May 2022. This repurchase of shares is within the authorisation of the General Meeting of Shareholders of a.s.r. granted to the Executive Board on 19 May 2021.
The progress of the purchases will be announced weekly on this webpage. Download the repurchase transaction Excel file for detailed transaction information.
ASR Nederland N.V. (a.s.r.) has completed the share buyback program, which was announced on February 18, 2021.
On 15 January 2021, ASR Nederland N.V. (a.s.r.) announced the repurchasing programme for the share option plan for a.s.r. employees and its wholly-owned subsidiaries for an amount of € 7.5 million. The period of repurchase of own shares started on 18 January 2021 and ended on 28 January 2021.
On 19 February 2020, ASR Nederland N.V. (a.s.r.) announced the repurchase of own shares for an amount of € 75 million.
On 16 July 2019, ASR Nederland N.V. (a.s.r.) announced the repurchasing programme for the share option plan for a.s.r. employees and its wholly-owned subsidiaries for an amount of € 12.5 million.The period of repurchase of own shares started on 17 July 2019 and ended on 25 July 2019.