Works Council

The structure, procedures and the position of the members of the employee representation bodies at a.s.r. have been documented in writing and this information can be consulted by all employees.

The Works Council and its subcommittees have an advisory role in significant commercial and organisational issues, including restructuring (merging or splitting of departments or business lines), acquisitions and integrations.
With regard to staff policy issues (e.g. performance appraisals, pensions and working conditions), the Works Council has a right of consent in many cases. This applies to policy concerning appraisals, working conditions, pensions, appointments, etc. In addition, the Works Council can exercise its statutory right to speak. This gives the Works Council the opportunity to voice its views on significant proposed board decisions before and during AGMs.

Frequency of meetings and composition

The members of the Works Council are elected for a period of three years. The Works Council meets twelve times a year and consults formally with the Executive Board six times a year. Twice a year, the state of affairs in the company is discussed in the presence of two members of the Supervisory Board. The topics that are addressed in any event are the company's financial performance and its strategic plans.
A meeting at which the Works Council, Executive Board and Supervisory Board are all represented is held at least twice a year. These meetings are attended by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board together with a member of the Supervisory Board, the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Works Council, the CEO and the Director of Human Resources.