For the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board and Management Board of ASR Nederland N.V. and other governance documents, go to the page Corporate Governance under 'Rules of Procedure a.s.r.'
Jos Baeten (Dutch, 1958) is the Chairman of the Executive Board and Management Board of a.s.r. His areas of responsibility are Corporate Communications, Legal & Company Secretary, Services and Audit.
Ingrid de Swart (Dutch, 1969) is a Member of the Executive Board and the Management Board of a.s.r. Her areas of responsibility are Customer Experience & Digital, IT&C, Distribution & Services, Mortgages, Disability, P&C, Health and a.s.r. Vitality.
Ingrid de Swart studied Dutch language and literature at Utrecht University. At CEDEP in Fontainebleau Ingrid followed the Young Executive Programme and the General Management Programme. In addition to various other leadership, management and intervision programmes, she attended the Advanced Management Programme at Wharton University in Pennsylvania in 2014.
Ingrid de Swart was a Board Member and COO Retail at Aegon Nederland from 2017 until May 2019 and was amongst other things responsible for its digitalization programme. Prior to that, she worked at Delta Lloyd from 2001 to 2017 in various management and executive positions. From 2009 to 2013 she was CEO of ABN AMRO Insurance and after that Chairperson of the commercial division of Delta Lloyd. From 2014 to 2017 Ingrid de Swart was a member of the Executive Board of Delta Lloyd. In this role she was amongst other things responsible for IT, digitalization and innovation.
Ingrid de Swart was appointed as member of the Executive Board of a.s.r. on 1 December 2019.
Current term of office: 2023 - AGM 2027.
Additional positions
Ingrid de Swart is a member of the Supervisory Board of HumanTouch Holding B.V. and a member of the Supervisory Board of Salta Group B.V.
Ewout Hollegien (Dutch, 1985) is a Member of the Executive Board and Management Board of a.s.r. His areas of responsibility are Group Finance & Risk Reporting, Balance & Performance Management, Asset Management and Real Estate.
Ewout Hollegien holds a degree in Financial Services Management, a Master in Science in Business Studies at the University of Amsterdam and an Executive Master in Finance & Control at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Ewout Hollegien started his career in 2007 as a management trainee at Fortis Verzekeringen Nederland (legal predecessor of a.s.r.). Since then, he has held various positions within a.s.r. Ewout Hollegien has fulfilled among others, the position of risk manager, senior controller at a.s.r. Asset Management and balance sheet manager. In addition, in 2016 he was part of the IPO-team and also as Manager Business Development responsible for the acquisitions of a.s.r. between 2016 and 2019. From September 2019 until October 2021 he was the Director of Disability at a.s.r.
Ewout Hollegien was appointed as member of the Executive Board of a.s.r. on 1 December 2021.
Current term of office: 2021 – AGM 2025.
Additional positions
Ewout Hollegien is chair of the Financial Economic Affairs committee of the Dutch Association of Insurers (Verbond van Verzekeraars) and member of the Supervisory Board of Amvest Vastgoed B.V.
Willem van den Berg (Dutch, 1977) is a member of the Management Board of a.s.r. as of 4 July 2023. His areas of responsibility are Life & Funeral, Pensions (incl. Aegon Cappital and a.s.r. PPI) and TKP.
Willem van den Berg studied Business Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam. At the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam he completed the Certified (European) Financial Analyst course and at the Rotterdam School of Management he followed a Master Corporate Communications.
Willem van den Berg joined Aon in 2001 as a junior investment consultant and has since 2004 held various positions within Aegon Group, including Head of Investor Relations, Head of Global Finance Transformation and Managing Director Life Aegon Nederland. Within Aegon Group, he served as a member of the executive board of the Aegon Corporate Center and Chairman of the Steering Committee of the European Insurance CFO Forum, among other positions.
Additional positions
Willem van den Berg is a member of the investment committee of the Erasmus MC Foundation.
Rozan Dekker (Dutch, 1972) is a member of the Management Board of a.s.r. as of 4 July 2023. Her areas of responsibility are Group Risk Management, Compliance and Internal Control Office.
After studying actuarial mathematics at the University of Amsterdam, Rozan Dekker completed a Risk Management in Banking program at INSEAD Fontainebleau, a General Management Program at CEDEP Fontainebleau and a Supervisory Board course at Nyenrode.
Rozan Dekker started her career in 1995 at EY as consultant and subsequently as manager. From 2002 to 2008 she worked at Swiss Re in various management positions. From 2008 to 2016 Rozan Dekker worked at Delta Lloyd, where from 2012 she was a member of the Executive Board and Chief Financial (Risk) Officer of Delta Lloyd Bank. Since 2016 Rozan Dekker has worked at a.s.r., first as director Group Balance Sheet Management and since 2022 as director Group Risk Management.
Additional positions
Rozan Dekker is a member of the Supervisory Board of the Economic Research Foundation and member of the Supervisory Board of Knab N.V.
Jolanda Sappelli (Dutch, 1963) is a member of the Management Board of a.s.r. as of 4 July 2023. Her area of responsibility is Human Resources.
Jolanda Sappelli studied Dutch law at Erasmus University Rotterdam. She then followed various training programs in contract management, marketing (NIMA), personnel management, leadership, neurolinguistic programming and change management. She also followed training programs on supervisory directors and European regulators.
Jolanda Sappelli has been director Human Resources at a.s.r. since 2014. Before that, she held various positions, including from 2005 to 2011 at ING Real Estate as Global Head Human Resources and from 1995 to 2004 at (the predecessor of) Euronext Amsterdam, including as Executive Director Human Resources and as Chief Representative.
Additional positions
Jolanda Sappelli is Chair of the Education and Labor Market committee of the Dutch Association of Insurers (Verbond van Verzekeraars)