Management Board

The Management Board is, together with the Executive Board, responsible for the realization of corporate objectives, the strategy with its associated risks and the development of the results. The Management Board consists of the members of the Executive Board, the COO Life, CRO and CHRO.  

For the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board and Management Board of ASR Nederland N.V. and other governance documents, go to the page Corporate Governance under 'Rules of Procedure a.s.r.'

  • Jos Baeten

    Jos Baeten (Dutch, 1958) is the Chairman of the Executive Board and Management Board of a.s.r. His areas of responsibility are Corporate Communications, Legal & Company Secretary, Services and Audit.

  • Ingrid de Swart 

    Ingrid de Swart (Dutch, 1969) is a Member of the Executive Board and the Management Board of a.s.r. Her areas of responsibility are Customer Experience & Digital, IT&C, Distribution & Services, Mortgages, Disability, P&C, Health and a.s.r. Vitality.

  • Ewout Hollegien

    Ewout Hollegien (Dutch, 1985) is a Member of the Executive Board and Management Board of a.s.r. His areas of responsibility are Group Finance & Risk Reporting, Balance & Performance Management, Asset Management and Real Estate.

  • Willem van den Berg
    COO Life

    Willem van den Berg (Dutch, 1977) is a member of the Management Board of a.s.r. as of 4 July 2023. His areas of responsibility are Life & Funeral, Pensions (incl. Aegon Cappital and a.s.r. PPI) and TKP. 

  • Rozan Dekker

    Rozan Dekker (Dutch, 1972) is a member of the Management Board of a.s.r. as of 4 July 2023. Her areas of responsibility are Group Risk Management, Compliance and Internal Control Office. 

  • Jolanda Sappelli

    Jolanda Sappelli (Dutch, 1963) is a member of the Management Board of a.s.r. as of 4 July 2023. Her area of responsibility is Human Resources.